Friday, April 27, 2012


With this image, I wanted to focus on the barbed wire. I "straightened" the image to straighten the barbed wire and make it the focus of the picture. I then toyed with some of the adjustments such as definition and saturation in order to make it stand out. I also blurred the edges of the photo to draw focus to the center of the picture: the barbed wire.

With this piece, I wanted to make the woman appear very lonely. I did this by changing the bright sky to what essentially appears to be the night sky. I increased definition and lowered the saturation of the image in order to make the woman stand out from the background and also because it gives a nice outline of the bridge's sides that kind of act as a prison of sorts for the woman.

I wanted to make this photograph appear extremely aged, so I used the sepia effect quite a bit. I also saturated the colors a bit to make it appear faded and lowered the highlighting to blur the sun and decreased definition as a whole.
I wanted to make this man appear a bit more larger-than life. I achieved this by cropping out the rest of the white background, increasing the definition of his features, making the photo appear brighter, and using the vignette effect which draws focus to the center of the picture
With this picture, I wanted the focus to be on the man and how powerful he is. To do this, I cropped out the left side of the image and "straightened" the image which put the man in the upper right quadrant of the picture, making him extremely powerful. I also toyed with the tone and temperature of the sky in order to give it a painterly feel to it which suggests a sort of fantastical element to the photo.
I wanted this photo to look a bit aged, but not too much, so I made it black and white. I also wanted more focus on the girl and her face, so I increased definition and contrast in order for her to stand out of the shot more.
I wanted a cute, romantic feel to this picture. To do this, I blurred the edges of the photo and used the vignette effect because it kind of frames the picture in a heart form. I also increased the temperature a bit to warm up the look of the photo and make it nice and comfortable-feeling.

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